privacy policy


Turim Hotels Group, the owner of this website, is committed to the security and privacy of its users’ data.

  1. Confidentiality
    By the very nature and objectives of the interactive services provided here, users are required to provide contacts and/or information that may be considered personal in nature.
    The Turim Hotels Group undertakes to respect existing legislation on the protection of personal data.
  2. Databases/Login and Password Usage
    The databases available on this website are for the sole purpose of maximizing business opportunities among the stakeholders.
  3. Correction and Updating of Personal Information
    The user of the interactive services provided here is responsible and owner of the data that he transmits to Turim Hotels, being able to access, update or rectify the information provided on his data.
    If you need to change any personal information and / or the respective disclosure conditions – or if you want to change your identification, contacts and / or the profile – you can always do so by simply contacting us.
  4. Acceptance and Binding
    All users of the services offered on this site are bound by the acceptance and respect for the conditions expressed herein.

For any further clarification on the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use of this site, send us an e-mail.

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